Saturday, November 28, 2009

Batman or Joker

It is probably already established in everyone's mind's that we live story. We decide in our own lives if our story is going to be a good one or a bad one. But how exactly do we determine what makes a good story? I was talking with my wife about this just the other day. What makes Batman the good guy and the Joker the bad guy. Why do we always tend to vote for the dark knight instead of the crazy clown? My conclusion is that the people that decide to care for others are always a good guy. I cannot think of one person in the world that is selfless and a bad guy. The obvious flip to that is that a bad guy is always a selfish one. This may seem trivial and light but it is true and it is convicting! When I look back upon my story so far- where am I? Am I a good guy? Do I look out for others first? Or am I a bad guy that is only out for myself? What I am slowly discovering is that I am neither. I am sometimes a good guy. Sometimes I will give some of my own time to someone else and only think of them. But I also do the opposite many of the times (probably most of the time). I am in the middle. The conclusion I have come to is that there are more people in a story than a good guy and a bad guy. In the Batman movies there are several people that don't play a serious role in the plot of the story. A story writer would call them an Extra. Basically their role is to take up space and impact nothing, but to fill the voids. This is the story I have realized that I have lived most of my life. I am not a terrible person, a person only thinking of himself, an antagonist. But I am also not a protagonist. I can not see someone watching my life and rooting for me to be the winner. I tend to be an extra in my own story.The only way to have a good story as a good guy I need to learn to be as pro-active as possible in caring for others. I need to stop thinking of myself. It is true. Batman is always pro-active in the story- a go-getter! My prayer is that we all can learn to be the Batman's of our own stories. Because the only memorable character in a story is the Protagonist.

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